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a practical approach to horsemanship focused on creating a solid foundation for lasting results.

MH Performance Horsemanship

At MH Performance Horsemanship my goal is to help you and your horse connect in a way that will better your relationship and horsemanship skills. I believe in working at the horses pace and combine traditional methods with new ideologies that focus on your horse as an individual and what they need to help them learn and grow.  I am currently servicing southern Maine and offer virtual lessons for those at a distance.

Want more information? Contact me, I would love to help you and your equine partner. 


Want help getting your horse relaxed and comfortable in all environments? Stay tuned for blog posts with tips to help you help your horse. 


Sometimes less is more. Ground poles aren't just for trotting over.  Can you get your horse to straddle a pole? Do you have enough feel to chose which foot goes over the pole first? Working on small things like this will help you become more aware of the signals you're sending to your horse. How little can you do to get a change? 

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